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Sales Tax
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Is SaaS Taxable in Idaho in 2025?

No. Software as a service (SaaS) is not currently taxable in Idaho. However, the Idaho Tax Commission does tax certain digital goods, including what it defines as “canned software” (software that is delivered in a tangible or downloadable format).


Is SaaS Taxable in Wisconsin in 2025?

No. Software as a service (SaaS) is not taxable under Wisconsin’s current sales and use tax laws. According to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, SaaS would typically fall into a nontaxable category known as “data processing services.” However, certain digital goods and electronically delivered software may be subject to tax.


Is SaaS Taxable in Wyoming in 2025?

No. Because it is classified as a service rather than as tangible personal property, software as a service (SaaS) is not currently taxable in Wyoming. This classification is due in part to the fact that end users do not gain permanent access to the software.


Is SaaS Taxable in Alaska in 2025?

Yes, in many areas. Although Alaska has no statewide sales tax, it does allow local governments to levy their own sales taxes. This means that individual cities and municipalities have the authority to tax software as a service (SaaS).

Sales Tax

What is VAT Compliance? 8 Must-Know Basics for Businesses

If your company plans to do business outside the United States, VAT compliance could become a major administrative issue. Let’s review the basics and then tackle some more nuanced topics.


Is SaaS Taxable in Chicago? Understanding PPLTT

Yes. Although software as a service (SaaS) is not typically subject to sales tax in Illinois, it is taxable in the City of Chicago. This is due primarily to the Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax, or PPLTT.


Is SaaS Taxable in Mississippi in 2025?

Yes. As of July 1, 2023, software as a service (SaaS) is taxable at the state sales tax rate of 7% if the software is maintained on a server physically located in the state and if the SaaS provider has nexus in Mississippi.


Is SaaS Taxable in Minnesota in 2025?

No. Minnesota currently does not tax software-as-a-service (SaaS) products. However, some digital products, including e-books and digital audio files, are subject to state taxation.

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